
My journey with The Cards
My journey with The Cards began as a quest to deepen my understanding of my own relationships. Little did I know what a rabbit hole I was venturing down. As The Cards continued to reveal their wisdom, I discovered they are what I believe to be the single most valuable tool for self-reflection, life planning and soul evolution. After several years of self-study, I trained under the guidance of Robert Lee Camp, Grand Master of The Order of The Magi, to become a Certified Magi.

The Truth Behind Tingling Sensations: Signs of Your Energetic Awakening
Have you ever felt tingles coursing through your body during meditation, prayer, or a powerful conversation? These sensations are common as we awaken to our own divinity and deepen our connection to higher vibrations.
In this post, we’ll explore why these tingling sensations occur, the different scenarios in which they happen, and how they can guide you in awakening the Magi within — the part of you that is attuned to higher wisdom and the truth of your soul.